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St Matthew's Primary School, Drumsurn
School will be closed on Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th May
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Global Learning: Trócaire 2019 Presentation

3rd Apr 2019

We are a Global Learning School and today we welcomed Mrs Roisin O'Hara to give all children a very informative presentation on the work that Trócaire are currently doing as part of their Lenten Campaign. The children listened to the stories of three individual children in Guatemala, Lebanon and Syria who struggle for land rights. We saw pictures of how our money raised last year helped Kumba and her family in Sierra Leone build their new school after their village was completely destroyed by landslides. This year we are asking our children and families to donate again to help these communities secure their basic rights, to strengthen civil society to challenge injustices and engage with those in power to secure their land rights. We have asked the children to donate any loose change they may have into our large Trócaire box in the school porch and we hope that you, as parents, will give generously as you always do.