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St Matthew's Primary School, Drumsurn
Easter Holidays School closes at 11:30am on Wednesday 16th April and reopens on Monday 28th April.
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St. Matthew's Primary School has a dedicated team of adults who work in our school to help ensure that all our pupils are Safeguarded.  Our Safeguarding Team is made up of members of Staff, Governors and the Principal.

All staff and Governors have a responsibility for the Pastoral Care, general welfare and safety of the children in our care.  We will carry out this duty by providing an inclusive, caring, supportive and safe environment, where each child is valued for his or her unique talents and abilities, and in which all our children can learn and develop to their full potential.

Designated Teacher for Child Protection

Mrs Kealey is the Designated Teacher for Child Protection.  

Mrs Kealey’s role is to:

  • Provide training to all staff including support staff
  • Being available to discuss the child concerns of any member of staff
  • Responsibility for recordkeeping of all child protection concerns
  • Making referrals to Social Services or PSNI Public Protection Units
  • Liaising with the EA Designated Officers for Child Protection
  • The lead responsibility for the development and updating of the school’s Safeguarding Policy
  • Ensures that parents receive a copy of the Safeguarding Policy every year which alerts them to the fact that referrals may be made to Social Services and the role of the school regarding this.
  • Promotion of child protection ethos in the school
  • Written reports to the Board of Governors regarding child protection
  • Maintains all records pertaining to child protection in a secure location (accessed only by the Designated Teacher and the School Principal as appropriate)

Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection 

Mr Proctor is the Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection.  Any concerns should be brought to her if Mrs Kealey is not available.  Mr Proctors  role is to support and undertake the duties of the Designated Teacher for Child Protection as required

You can talk to Mrs Kealey and Mr Proctor or any other member of staff :

• If you are worried about something that is happening to you, or to someone you know

• If you need help, or if you need to know how to get help

• If you are worried about telling things in confidence

We are always here to listen and to help you!


Designated Governors for Child Protection

Mr Liam Begley and Mr Diarmuid Barr are the designated governors for child protection.

Always talk to someone - they will understand. If they are concerned about your safety, they may need to share this with others, but they will always tell you first.

• If you are still unsure about talking to a member of staff, you can telephone:

Childline on 0800-11-11

NSPCC on 0808-800-5000

These calls are free and they will not show up on your phone bill.

They will help you work out what do to next

Easter Holidays
School closes at 11:30am on Wednesday 16th April and reopens on Monday 28th April.