Shared Education

At St. Matthew's we are delighted to be involved in the Shared Education project with three other schools-St. Colmcilles Claudy, Roe Valley Integrated and Central Primary School Limavady.
Shared Education involves the sustained provision of opportunities for children and young people from different communities and backgrounds to learn together both in and out of school.’
DENI 2016.
Staff work together to plan, team-teach and evaluate learning across the curriculum to enhance coverage for every child in all four schools, particularly the areas of PDMU, STEM/The World Around Us, ICT and Numeracy.
The aims of Shared Education are to develop friendships and promote learning through shared educational activities. The children will also be exploring personal attributes, similarities and differences as part of the Northern Ireland Curriculum. This project will also allow the staff from the partner schools to share good practice and expertise and to plan and deliver lessons together.
It enables children from different sectors to join together for curriculum based collaboration- for example to study a specific subject through a shared class, or to undertake a project .It aims to promote reconciliation through building relationships and sharing a variety of learning experiences.
St Matthew's Primary School, Drumsurn 296 Drumsurn Rd, Limavady BT49 0PX Phone: 028 77 763887