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St Matthew's Primary School, Drumsurn
Easter Holidays School closes at 11:30am on Wednesday 16th April and reopens on Monday 28th April.
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We are very fortunate to have two music teachers at St. Matthew's P.S, Mrs kealey and Miss Kealey, together with many talented children.


Musical Opportunities

At St. Matthew's Primary School pupils participate in a wide range of musical activities: 

  • Tuition provided in tin whistle, bodhran and violin for P3-P7
  • Nativity P1-P4
  • Carol Service P5-7
  • Class assemblies P1-7
  • P7 Leavers' Assemby
  • School musicals
  • Musical Pathways in learning P1-4
  • School choir performs at various liturgical events
  • Coleraine Music festival
  • BBC Radio Ulster 'School choir of the Year'
Easter Holidays
School closes at 11:30am on Wednesday 16th April and reopens on Monday 28th April.